Продукти за liberse extra long (2)

Лугана Малавази

Лугана Малавази

VITIGNO: Trebbiano di Lugana 100% ZONA DI PRODUZIONE: Le uve provengono dalla prima fascia di area calcarea argillosa del Lago di Garda della mitica Sirmione, altitudine 68 mt slm SESTO DI IMPIANTO: Allevamento a filari con potatura a guyot AFFINAMENTO E FERMENTAZIONE: In acciaio a temperatura controllata COLORE: Paglierino intenso con riflessi verdognoli NASO: Piacevole Bouquet al melone e mandarino con accenni di menta e qualche nota floreale BOCCA: Si sente una certa astringenza ma quasi inesistente e con ottima fruttuosità CIBO: Tutti i piatti a base di pesce, minestre, primi piatti di pasta e riso, carni bianche GRADO ALCOLICO: 13%vol TEMPERATURA DI SERVIZIO: 10/12° C
Lapille - Бърз, ефективен и мощен крем против акне

Lapille - Бърз, ефективен и мощен крем против акне

CapriloilGlycine, has powerful purifying and antibacterial activity, in particular against Propionibacterium Acnes. B.C. Glycolic, promotes the production of Collagen and Elastin, activates the desquamation of the skin favoring the development of new skin with a softer, smoother and healthier appearance. B.C. Salicylic, with exfoliating, antiseptic and sebumbalancing properties. Zinc PCA, with specific sebum-balancing and antiseptic action. Centella with healing and regenerating activity. It stimulates the formation of Collagen and prevents the excessive proliferation of fibrous tissue. Copaiba oil: it has healing, antiseptic and antiinflammatory properties and is effective in treating skin irritations. Finally it has astringent properties, indicated against skin impurities typical of oily and acneic skin. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the repair of skin tissues and to prevent the production of sebum.